Aging or weight loss may cause softening and sagging in the inner thigh area. Such problems can be fixed by thigh lift.
Liposuction alone can remove excess fat deposits where there is good skin elasticity and only excess fat in the thigh area. However, in cases where skin elasticity is poor and is accompanied with excess skin and softening, thigh lift is necessary to remove excess tissues. Thigh lift may be performed in combination with liposuction when deemed appropriate.
Thigh lift can be performed through an incision that will be hidden under your underpants as well as an incision along the inseam in advanced cases.
Thigh lift is performed under general anesthesia and requires 1-2 days of hospitalization. Duration of surgery depends on the extent of the procedure. Patients should wear a corset for 4 weeks after surgery. They can resume daily activities within 10-12 days and light exercises within 4-6 weeks.